Project Coordinator | Andreas Pätzold, Forschungszentrum Jülich |
Funding Source | Horizon 2020, H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2 – Grant Agreement No. 824068 |
Duration | February 2019 – January 2023 |
The ENVRI community is a community of Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRI), projects, networks and other diverse stakeholders interested in environmental Research Infrastructure matters. The community also includes e-infrastructures supporting the Research Infrastructures in data solutions. It views the need for collaboration across the traditional disciplines to tackle the grand societal challenges we are facing (e.g. climate change, loss of biodiversity, etc.) as essential, because to study complex earth system interactions requires making use of data from multiple disciplinary fields in a straightforward way, where FAIRness (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) of the digital metadata and data is an absolute prerequisite. Since June 2018, DiSSCo is a part of this community.
This group has successfully conducted cluster projects to detect synergies within this community of Research Infrastructures, e.g. ENVRIplus. The latest EU-funded project with started in January 2019 is ENVRI-FAIR – ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research – which will establish a set of FAIR data services which enhances the efficiency and productivity of researchers, supports innovation, enables data- and knowledge-based decisions and connects the ENVRI Cluster to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This means an open access platform for interdisciplinary environmental research data and a well-defined set of community policies and standards on all steps of the data life cycle.
The focus of the proposed work is put on the implementation of prototypes for testing pre-production services at each RI. The catalogue of prepared services is defined for each RI independently, depending on the maturity of the involved RIs.

For more information visit the ENVRI-FAIR website.